Is the service sector not as "real" as manufacturing sector.
your concerns are obvious but dont you think all we have done in IT sector so far is services and third party software. It is but natural that 9 out of 10 times services follow manufacturing but the indian companies neglected that and just provided the services. today even after india being a so called IT and ITES giant we do not have a single product to boast in the international market. so where is it leading us and what does it signify? its not that we do not have enough innovation to have a great product, but one thing that we indians lack is the spirit to back our product and idea behind it against all odds and make it a global success. all we want is big bucks no matter how it comes : by selling our product line or the concept behind them or the entire company as in case of sabeer bhatia. why is that no gogle or Yahoo came from india? instead of running away from china's dominance in manufacturing why can't we face it and make a better product. we have had enough of services , not that we leave them but we should also concentrate on other areas of economy as well. this attitude of ours (indians) has cost india lot of self respect. otherwise how would have Kofi Annan dared to offer India a permanent seat at the Security council without veto, even after being the world's 4th largest economy. and to add to it the indian leaders who just want to have their own men in the UN would ask for the same recently along with germany , brasil, japan.
this is a perfect example to show that the indian leadership lack vertebral column. they just dont have it them to stand up and face the world. they cant understand that today india has become as important as china in the world economy and if india withdraws support from UN ( a la China) these same guys would come calling at our doorsteps with veto as well.
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