India and China together!!!
Recently i was reading an article in a business weekly on the possibilities of India joining hands with China.Let's face it ,both these countries can coexist in coming era and also become superpowers in future if and only if they recognise each other more as an ally than enemy. India with all its resources is trying to become a developed nation and a permanent security council member. China already has the security council membership but according to analysts predictions it canbecome a developed nation only by 2025 if the current growth rate is maintained.
These two warring parties have the same problems mainly population and poverty. Though China looks green to many but from inside you may find it is also struggling poverty. The FDI in China is huge and the picture seems rosy for future investors too, but take a more careful look. You would see that like India the majority of Chinese are farmers. The cold wind from mangolia just destroys their crops and they also don't seem to have enough rain for their crops due to Himalayas. The problem for the farmers is that they can't own land according to Chinese rules so they cannot even expand when they save some money, this is driving out people from this business. this may create future problems cause a developed country should have a proper balance in the occupation of its people. Also a developed nation should be self sufficient in food grains at all times.
Comparing India, due to poor irrigation, no plotting of land in most of the states, no economic support to farmers and no infrastructure developement in villages the farmer today is rushing towards city in search of some other work. Those who remain commit suicides many a time due to drought or poverty.
It seems that both the countries need to keep their farrmers happy and government needs to take prime measures in this field.
Coming to the much publicised energy area both of them are in a rat race currently to secure their future oil needs. The China National Petroleum is head on with ONGC and Indian Oil on many occassions. What both of these need to understand is that healty competition is good but once you start it with the goal of beating the other, mind you, this mentality will spread quickly in other areas as well which will increas the tension between the two countries. well if the situation worsens there may be a India-China Cold War as well, needless to say the consequences will be devastating for both.
If you look at the root of their differences you will find that China's Socialism is just not adjusting with India's democracy. what Nehru had a vision was a socialist democracy in India with some inputs from Soviet Russia but after the USSr's debacle India saw the future in capitalism and opened its doors to the world.
To realise Mao's dream of developed China being a world leader, Chiese government opted for a capitalist socialism. Using this ideology China developed a lot in last decade. the figures say so.But has China really developed so much as much as it seems on paper!
In a recent survey of 20,000 richest chinese it was found out they were related to the Communist Party of China in some way or the other!!
So it sems that our powerful neighbour shares with us the problem of corruption.
Put all these together we find though a lot is said about our differences, time has come to look at our common problems, realise that our dreams are common, and we stand at the same place at the same time in history.
time has come to join our efforts to realise our dreams. keeping this in mind welcome the Chinese premier Wen Jiabao to India and hope that good longstanding friendly relations develop between the two countries.
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